Non-drug therapy physiotherapy center; acupuncture, moxibustion, manipulation, bone-setting health care center; eaglewood ancient prescription characteristic physiotherapy center
Focusing on acupuncture, moxibustion, bone-setting, massage, eaglewood ancient prescription and other non-drug therapy physiotherapy characteristic items as the essence of TCM, Traditional Culture Academy has gathered famous and skilled TCM experts in China who are good at bone injury and pain, acupuncture, moxibustion and massage to provide quality, comfortable and non-invasive green physiotherapy services for members of AGE Dr. in order to strengthen qi of human body, solve the problem of chronic diseases, achieve rehabilitation, improve health and prolong life.
Unique Service Project of TCM
It has integrated TCM massage, Chinese medicine fumigation, Chinese medicine bath and Chinese medicine oral therapy to direct drugs to the deep part of the body's tissue via incense, stimulation of the circulation of the blood and relaxation of muscles and joints, promotion of the circulation of qi and blood, medicine fumigation, Chinese medicine bath, nutritious medicated diet and other steps in order to dredge the channels and collaterals, promote the circulation of qi and blood, clean blood and detoxify, improve metabolism, eliminate waste and liver and kidney toxins in the human body, regulate endocrine, enhance immunity, etc.
Non-drug therapy physiotherapy center
Associate chief physician of Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
Director of TCM Department of Songgang People's Hospital, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Associate chief physician
Young and middle-aged famous practitioner for Chinese medicine of CACMS, forerunner of the reserve discipline of key discipline of bone injury, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, chief physician
Ph. D., Chairman of Bone-setting and Spinal Manipulation Professional Committee of Chinese Clinical Medical Association, Professor of Nine Star University of Health Sciences, inheritor of Wei Guikang, TCM Master
Vice president, professor, Doctoral Supervisor of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
National famous veteran doctor of TCM, director of Department of Orthopedics, CACMS, consultation expert of Central Health Protection Committee